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From Pocket Money to Generational Wealth: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Kids

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As parents, we often dream of passing on more than just memories to our children. We envision a legacy of prosperity and wisdom — a generational wealth that extends beyond finances to include the values of responsibility, foresight, and prudence. But when and where do we start preparing our kids for financial success? 

If you feel lost, you are not alone. It’s one of the most common questions I get from my clients. Let’s dive into some practical strategies for nurturing financially savvy kids in a world where understanding money is just as important as earning it.

 Start Talking About Money from a Young Age

Instilling financial literacy from a young age can set the foundation for a lifetime of smart financial decisions. Starting these conversations early on allows children to develop a healthy relationship with money and understand its importance. By discussing money matters in a relatable and age-appropriate manner, you can empower your children to become financially responsible individuals.

In my opinion, it’s never too early to start introducing basic financial concepts. You can lay the foundation for your children to develop good money habits. The simplest way is to make it a regular part of your conversations and lead by example.

1. Introduce them to the value of money: Teach your children about the different denominations of money and how to count and handle it. Explain to them that money is earned through hard work and that it should be spent wisely.

2. Teach them about saving and investments: Encourage your children to save a portion of their allowance or any money they receive as gifts. Teach them about the concept of interest and how their savings can grow over time. 

3. Have them earn money through chores or jobs: Assign age-appropriate household chores to your children and reward them with a small allowance for completing them. Then, give them the freedom to spend it. Not only does this teach them about financial responsibility, but it also allows them to make their own decisions and learn from the consequences.

4. Help them set up a budget and financial goals: Encourage them to allocate their money towards different categories such as savings, spending, and donating. 

5. When they’re old enough, encourage them to get a job: When it comes to guiding your children toward financial independence, one of the most valuable steps you can take is encouraging them to get a part-time job. This may seem like a small step, but the benefits are substantial. Through a part-time job, kids:

  • Gain first-hand experience in managing money
  • Learn about commitment, punctuality, and professionalism.
  • Learn the importance of being responsible, accountable, and reliable.
  • Gain a sense of independence and self-worth. They become financially empowered and learn the importance of contributing to their income. This can help them become more invested in their financial future and develop a sense of ownership over their financial decisions.

One excellent resource that can help you teach your kids about money is the Million Bazillion podcast from Marketplace. This family-friendly production features real kids asking questions about money, making it an engaging and accessible way to learn about personal finance. 

 Show Kids Stuff Costs Money

It may seem obvious to us adults, but for kids, it’s a concept that can easily go over their heads. Showing them the real-life expenses associated with the things they enjoy can be a valuable learning experience.

For example, take your cell phone bill. Sit down with your children and explain to them how much it costs to have the convenience of a smartphone. Break down the various charges like data plans, fees, and additional services. This will give them a better understanding of the financial commitment that comes with owning a cell phone.

For older children, give them a shopping list and cash to buy groceries for a week. Let them experience firsthand what it takes to put food on the table. Tell them they can make whatever meals they want, but they have to buy enough food to last. This exercise will not only teach them about budgeting and meal planning but also prepare them for college life when they are no longer on a meal plan.

Set an Example With Your Own Money Habits.

Children learn best by observing their parents, so it’s important to set a positive example with your money habits. By demonstrating financial responsibility, you can instill important values in your children and help them develop good money management skills for the future. Here are some key ways you can lead by example:

  1. Practice budgeting: Create a budget for your household and involve your children in the process. Show them how you prioritize expenses, save for goals, and make informed spending decisions. 
  2. Save together: Make saving a regular habit and involve your children in your saving goals. This could be setting aside money for a family vacation or saving for a larger purchase. By involving them in the process, you teach them the value of delayed gratification and the importance of building financial security.
  3. Discuss financial decisions: Whenever you make major financial decisions, like purchasing a home or choosing investments, involve your children in the conversation. Explain your thought process and the factors you consider. This will help them develop critical thinking skills when it comes to their own financial decisions in the future.
  4. Avoid impulsive spending: Be mindful of your spending habits and avoid impulsive purchases. Show your children the importance of thinking before buying and the value of saving for something meaningful rather than giving in to immediate desires.

Teach the Power of Giving Back

As a financial advisor, I have had the privilege of working with many wealthy parents who strive to instill solid financial values in their children. One key aspect of these values is teaching children about the importance of giving back to their communities. It has been proven time and again that children are more likely to adopt charitable habits when they witness their parents being generous.

By modeling philanthropic behavior, parents create a strong foundation for their children’s moral and financial development. Whether it’s volunteering your time, donating money, or organizing fundraisers, involve your children in these activities. They will see firsthand the positive impact philanthropy can have.

READ: Create the Legacy of Giving Through Family Philanthropy

Instill an Abundance Mindset

When it comes to making money and finding opportunities, having the right mindset can make all the difference. People tend to have two primary mindsets: an abundance mindset and a scarcity mindset. Understanding the difference between the two can help you navigate financial decisions and capitalize on unlimited opportunities.

An abundance mindset is rooted in the belief that there is always enough to go around. When you have an abundance mindset, you see the world as full of endless possibilities and believe that more money and opportunities can come your way. This mindset allows you to take risks, invest in yourself, and seize opportunities that can lead to financial success.

On the other hand, a scarcity mindset is characterized by the belief that there is not enough to go around. Those with a scarcity mindset often fear scarcity and adopt behaviors like hoarding, being reluctant to spend or invest, and seeing others’ success as a threat. This mindset can limit your ability to take risks, explore opportunities, and ultimately hinder your financial growth.

Having an abundance mindset opens doors to unlimited opportunities. It allows you to think creatively, seek out new ventures, and embrace a positive attitude towards money. By adopting this mindset, you are more likely to attract financial success and create a fulfilling life for yourself and your family.

Financial Literacy is Key

Teaching kids about money and helping them establish good saving and spending habits allows them to gain valuable skills that will benefit them well into adulthood. By providing them with a strong foundation in financial literacy, you are setting them up for success in managing their finances and making informed financial decisions.

Importance of Investing

Introducing your children to the world of investing can be a valuable and educational experience. Teaching them about the importance of financial management from an early age will set them up for future success. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Begin by explaining the concept of investing and how it helps grow wealth over time by purchasing assets like stocks, bonds, or real estate.
  2. Create a mock investment portfolio, helping your child choose a few stocks from well-known companies that they are interested in. 
  3. Emphasize the importance of research and how company financials, news, and industry trends can help to make informed decisions.
  4. Monitor the market performance with your child and discuss the factors that may be influencing market trends. 

READ: Investment Strategies to Protect Family Wealth

Passive Income and Compound Interest

One of the most valuable lessons wealthy parents teach their children is the concept of “Money Works for You.” It’s never too early to start educating your children about passive income, compound interest, and the importance of having money work for them.

By teaching your children about passive income, you ensure they understand the value of generating money without actively working for it. This can include investments, real estate, or even creating a business that generates income. By diversifying their income streams and harnessing the power of compound interest, they can compound their wealth over time.

The Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt

As a financial advisor, it’s important for me to address the concept of debt and its impact on our financial well-being. Many parents, like you, may find it helpful to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt, as well as how to effectively manage debt for long-term financial success.

While debt can have negative connotations, it’s essential to recognize that not all debt is bad. In fact, there is such a thing as “good debt.” This could include investments in real estate, businesses, or education.

On the other hand, bad debt refers to borrowing money for items that do not generate income or increase in value. This typically includes items like credit card debt for consumer goods or unmanageable loans with high interest rates. 

If you’re like me, you’ve heard your child say, “Dad, just put it on your credit card.” Children usually don’t grasp that a bill comes due later and you need cash on hand to pay. Even emphasizing the importance of paying credit card bills on time and in full to avoid high-interest debt is something that can be lost on even adult children. 

Let Us Know How We Can Help

In addition to these hands-on experiences, don’t hesitate to take advantage of your existing financial professionals’ expertise. They can help reinforce any topics you feel your kids may not want to hear about from mom and dad. We are always happy to provide valuable insights and guidance, ensuring your children receive a well-rounded financial education.

Investment Advisory Services offered through Private Wealth Asset Management, 1100 Capitol Avenue, Suite 200. Omaha, NE 68102. 888-611-7926. This report is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as the sole basis for financial decisions, nor be construed as investment advice designed to meet the particular needs of an individual’s situation. Contact your investment advisor to discuss your specific goals and objectives.


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